Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Transfer is Creeping Closer and Closer

Tomorrow I up my dose of Estrogen one last time to 4 patches before the transfer... which by the way is only 13 days away!! Last day of the "teens" countdown, and LESS than 2 weeks!! These past few weeks of having to tie up details has seemed to drag, but it seems like we are in the home stretch now. I really can't even begin to describe in words how thrilled I am. I'm hoping if our one embie sticks! Ok so since thrilled doesn't even begin to touch my enthusiasm, let me tell you... I went out and bought home pregnancy test (10 of them by the way) back in NOVEMBER! And then bought 5 more yesterday! haha yes... a bit excited to say the least! Not to mention I'm getting my maternity clothes lined up and ready to go... washed... folded... placed out in an easy to access place. I know I will not be using those for even MONTHS after the tests, but this is how excited I am. My IPs are SO ready to do this. It's just the waiting game. I don't play this game very well. I find more things to do when I have to wait. Like purchase another maternity clothing item, or another test, maybe some breast milk storage bags, maybe a maternity support belt, a new pump... (and yes all of which I have already purchased during this waiting game). If this doesn't show my enthusiasm, then I don't know what will. There's nothing wrong with being prepared right...?

So I've mentioned before I've met some lovely ladies that are cycling near me. I joined a support group in which I THOUGHT would have been where I found some cycle buddies, and maybe even some close to me. I have and there is this one (I'll call her P) that is really great and supportive and is a little ahead of me at this point. I've also met some other cycle buddies through InstaGram... Not exactly where I thought I'd meet such great ladies, but I heart them. I met some other surros/gestational carriers and some IMs themselves. This is such a wonderful moment in our lives and we are all going through it together, even though each of us has a slightly different story or experience. Even if they are just sharing their story to be able to vent it out to feel like they don't have to bottle up their joy or frustrations or dosappointments, I still love hearing about each and every one of them. As I told one earlier, we all can use more cheerleaders than debbie downers right now. This is such a complex event in all of our lives, yet it is so delicate and emotional. I get so excited to hear about progress with them, and so upset to hear bad news as well. I feel as though, in some way they are sort of like a branch of family. We will call them my "fertility family", not just my "surro sisters" because some of these lovely women do not need surros, some of them do need a surro, and some of them are surros themselves. I never thought I would feel this way about strangers, and maybe it's the hormones talking but I love this "fertility family" that is ever growing and changing. What an amazing unexpected support group of wonderful women that I have in my life. LOVE YOU ALL... you know who you are if you're reading this... PS I won't leave out my spectacular family and friends that have been amazing from day one with being supportive and interested in our journey.

So back to my journey for a second, 13 more days!!!! AHHH! And I'm sure I will be taking a test every day after transfer! EEKS! Can't wait... ok so I can wait for the intramuscular shots, but when that time comes, I'll just have to put on my big girl panties and suck it up because the end result will be entirely worth every second!


  1. Have I told you how awesome you are?! (-:

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Steph. You do too. Thanks for being there for me... always :)

  3. I'm so glad I found your blog! You're so amazing! I'm truly inspired by you. Good luck with the transfer!
