Friday, January 11, 2013


Yes oh yes. I caught glimpse of the contract finally. It was SUPPOSED to have the ammendments added, but of course does not. AND IT'S FRIDAY! I need to wait ALL LONG WEEKEND before I can call on monday to try to situate things. My IM is so completely understanding and I love her to pieces. I was texting her as I was reading to ask her questions. I love how no matter how much I text her, she seems to feel I'm never a bother... even after 11 pm lol. LOVE THAT WOMAN :) So yes... back on topic... contract! Most all looks great except our specialties are not added in there and I may need to be asking to do some slight ammending myself on just ONE thing. It's not even a huge deal to most, but it makes a HUGE difference to me so I'm needing to speak with my representing attorney about that but yet again... IT'S FRIDAY! It's going to bug me ALL weekend I'm SURE if it! So when I spoke with one of the ladies at the office, she did say that the copy of the contract she sent me may not include the ammendments while they are waiting for the ammendments that need to be added. So either they have not gotten them, or they just haven't added them yet. I would just hate to prolong this even more. WHY WEEKEND WHHHHHHHHHY DO YOU NEED TO REAR YOUR UGLY HEAD AND GET IN MY WAY!?!

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