Sunday, April 21, 2013

What a Special Week... NIAW

This is the very first day is a week that is one of the few things I hold dear to my heart. This week is National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW). This is to all you wonderful women out there. I have met so many of you great ladies. There are so many reasons out there for couples to experience the heartbreak of infertility.

Imagine yourself in your childhood.... And that ONE thing you always dreamed you would do or become when you grew up, was one day told to you may not be possible. How would you feel seeing everyone around you achieving YOUR dream effortlessly, taking it for granted, complaining about it as though it was a curse? Next time, before you open your mouth, think about how YOU would feel?

I may have explained this in one of my first blog entries. I was one of those children that just wanted to be a mom when I got older, so the thought of this not happening in my future, hurt me so deep inside. I had friends having abortions all around me when I was in high school. During this time, I had one of those type of people that doesn't think before he talks, as a Gyno. I had some questions and was hoping I could confide in him to give me some medical answers. Not that I wanted to be a teen mother, but after a first "oops", then a second, and third.... you get the point... I still was not pregnant. I felt maybe there could be something wrong. His reply wasn't what any other doctor had said years later down the road ("Maybe your body just wasn't ready or mature enough at that point" or "Maybe the 'oops moments' weren't at the right timing during ovulation"). Instead, I heard from him, "You probably just can't have kids." Those words crushed me. They kept echoing in my head. Not just the words but the nonchalant way they were said. At that moment, I was walking in those shoes, the same shoes thousands of women walk in daily. And this is one of the main reasons I have chosen to become a surrogate, among many. 

And while I'm heading in this direction, here's to hoping my release will be signed by Monday as anticipated, so I can get to meet a new couple! And what great timing... what better week to meet someone new?

Here is a blog I follow regularly. A woman named Christa, and her wonderful blog entry on this special week. It's very informative. I hope you will check it out. It may help some get a better glimpse from the other side.

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