Saturday, February 2, 2013


I have been keeping myself busy hoping to pass the time so the transfer date could come sooner. Well I just got an upsetting phone call from my ivf nurse maybe an hour ago with the news. All them embryos didn't make it and the transfer was cancelled. I'm deeply saddened for my IPs. I haven't spoken with them yet. Not to be confused with me not caring...I want to how them time to mourn and heal before making a decision on moving forward and I feel talking about it too soon may only make those wounds just a little deeper and hurt just a little more. This horrible news has had me in tears and I'm just ready to go to bed and hope this is all an awful dream I will wake up from. I hope this doesn't knock them down and burry their home and dreams of completing their family. I'm still there for them no matter how many tries it takes. I just want to say, if you're out there and maybe are reading this, I love you guys so much and I am here for you. Keep your heads up.


  1. Girl, I'm so sorry. My heart just breaks for you and them. Just remember that everything will be ok. The doctors know how her body/eggs are working now and hope they can have better luck next time. You guys are all in my thoughts, let me know if you need to talk.

    1. Thanks Christa. I was so joyous before. I'm just feeling so slow and down. I can only imagine what they are going through

  2. :( so sorry! ((HUGS)) That hearbreaking but I hope they dont lose hope!

    1. Im feeling the same way Julie. They have been through so much and I'm hoping it wasn't the straw the broke the Camel's back. They are so close to having their dream come true I just hope they don't give up. They would make such wonderful parents
